Saturday, August 20, 2011


What influences you? Do you surround yourself with people who inspire you to grow and be your best ? With people who are open minded, who nurture you spiritually? ...................................................Or do you willingly surround yourself with friends and family who influence you into negative patterns of thought and behavior? With people who "nit pick" judge, ridicule, or boss you around? Constantly being around people who fall in one of the latter categories can really prevent you from being your true self, and after years on end of being around these influences can put you deep into negative behaviors (addictions, gossip, eating unhealthy) and negative thought processes (never feeling good enough, loss of confidence).. . . .

Of course we can't always choose who we surround ourself with (such as with work and in everyday outings) and it IS good for growth to sometimes to be put out of our comfort zone, however, we have to remember about OURSELVES. We are all put on this Earth to see what we can accomplish! To see how we much we can possibly grow, our capacities for love. To find your higher self. To make your life easier and more enjoyable is to utilize the space you have to make decisions for your highest good.

Im not saying to avoid ALL people who make you want to indulge in bad behavior or are negative, because it is not realistic in this world (and because most likely some people from your work or family do this). You can be strong enough within yourself to not be swayed. But your inner peace is important. Do you even know what inner peace is? So many people in this society are glued to their cell phones, always traveling and rushing to catch a bus/plane on a regular basis, rushing to work, angry with people on a regular basis- not feeling centered, peaceful, and loved by self and spirit.

To feel connected to the Spirit and with Self is love, is divine. Some tools for achieving this include Meditation, Yoga/Exercise, Being in nature, eating healty foods and herbs, listening to uplifting and healing music, prayer/spiritual practice, having supportive friends and family, receiving healing therapies such as massage, energy work, accupuncture and crystal healing. I don't need to list all the things that prevent you from being peaceful, I think you should review your life and daily interactions and see where you can consciously make some healthier decisions for yourself. Be honest with yourself and ask if the music you listen to, the things you put in your body, the friends you hang out with, and how you spend your extra time nurture you in health and spirit and make you happy?

Lets look at some other influences . What does your home or room look like? Do you decorate with objects and images that make you feel peaceful, comfortable, happy? Are your walls painted with your favorite colors? Or are there objects in your house that are unneeded and make you cringe when you see it (such as random material possessions that you have just because, or that have been passed down in your family), is there clutter that makes your brain feel cluttered? Do you have a safe haven where you can meditate and feel peaceful? Maybe incorporating a picture of your favorite scene in nature, clouds in the sunset, a beach, redwood forest, or a snowy mountaintop will remind you to breathe when you sit or walk by it.
I love to surround myself with crystals and gemstones. They are beautiful, natural, and emit healing energy into the surrounding area. When I see them, it reminds me of my Spiritual Path. In my house I  also like to put trinkets around of things that make me smile, and hang pictures of loved ones and pets, pictures of nature, I also have many plants growing, and I have my altar which when I wake up and walk by it, it motivates me and reminds me to meditate and to start my day with prayer.
Be conscious of the influences in your life. Choosing to be around things and people that support your growth is doing yourself a huge favor. When you can make a choice, be wise.
Blessed Be!