Saturday, March 7, 2015

Welcome back to the Internet World of Blogging

So much to share, so little time!
Oh my goddess, it has been awhile since I have been on here.,....I kinda forgot I even had this thing. I was using it more for my Healing and Massage business before. I dont even know if Blogger is relevant. Is it? Im assuming so, since it seems to be attached to Google Plus. I, um, have a lot to learn here, as you can see. But...I am enthusiastic and a fast learner so we'll be just fine.

A lot has changed since then and I am really excited to get out there and blog daily. I can type so much faster than I can write, and I just want to share. Of course, I still have my personal things and my physical journal, because I just love a book and pen and something manifest, to feel in my hands, to see the words on the page..... But anyways....

So I FINALLY started posting videos on my YouTube channel.. yay! Subscribe!!! You won't be sorry! Im having my morning coffee, so I apologize for major caps ;-P I am going to be sharing what I know about Tarot, Oracle Cards, Spirituality, Pagan, Wicca, Health, that kind of stuff. There will be rambling, there will be valuable information for anyone yearning to know more about the Ancient Magick, the Secrets of our Ancestors. Ive been practicing Pagan for a long time, and will be posting a lot of how I incorporate living as a Neo Pagan in this fast paced, modern world. IT CAN be done, and I have been doing it. I should add I have a son now, love of my life. Hes almost 4 months old. Bringing him up in a "Spiritual Household" is one definitely worth sharing and blogging about. So there's that, too.

Just a quickie today. Please follow me. I will be blogging daily from now on. Wishing blessings of peace, comfort, safety, for you and your loved ones. Sprinkling pixie dust on all who read. Namaste, Om Shanti, Blessed Be

<3 Hannabelle
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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What our bodies tell us

Being a bodyworker and making Spirituality my number one priotity, I'm really into putting healthy things into my body. Not only do I want to feel and look good, but my body is a temple that I have to live in for the rest of this life. Im into natural rememedies, fitness, yoga, all that. Whats equally important to me is the thoughts that we allow to manifest within us. All dis-ease is created by thoughts and behaviors from the self. I have argued with people over this many times, and I do not back down from this statement. The truth is many times what we DO NOT want to hear, but it is universal and we must understand truth to transform and evolve. 
      If you truly look at the symbolism of what your body is telling you and you are honest with yourself, you will find the meaning and lesson your body/higher self is telling you (and be able to heal yourself from there). This can manifest in behavioral and personality traits as well. For example, if people tell you that you constantly have a negative outlook on life, it's because that personality trait is manifested due to the fact that you constantly fill your own head with negative thoughts, so that becomes all you know.  A lot of people argue  they are this way or that because of how they grew up/how they were treated etc. The seemingly unfair reality of life's circumstances is unfortunate. All of us have gone through things that can really have the potential to ruin us, however your life is worth it~ get over it so you can enjoy your life.
     True, someone may have done you wrong in the past, and probably many times. Welcome to human existance! Life is pain, and it takes creativity, consciousness, and connection (3 c's? I did not try that) to make it through in peace. The reason you are affected by others' actions is because you ALLOW it to. And dwelling on the matter and getting angry and frustrated adds fire to the problem and to the dis-ease.
     Once you realize the cause of a dis-ease or unfavorable character trait you may have , then focus first on acceptance. Accept the situation for what it is, not good, not bad, just look @ it as if you were watching it from afar with no emotional charge attached to it. Try Meditating and opening your heart chakra. Sit cross legged on a comfortable pillow. Take a few deep breaths in and out. Imagine a green flower bud in the middle of your chest. Allow it to open, creating a beautiful green flower bursting with a green beam of light shoot forth from it. If you can truly visualize this, it automatically opens you up to be more loving and accepting.
   The second step to healing is forgiveness. Forgive whoever has wronged you~ this may seem impossible, but it is crucial for your inner peace. Focus and meditate on the act of selflessness and non-judgement, and this will aid if forgiveness. Maybe find a mantra that you can chant over and over as you meditate, such as the words "selflessness" and "non-judgement." Imagine seeing the person surrounded by an aura of blue/white sparkley light from heaven, see their soul, not their faults. See them as a pure being. Hold them in a high light. Say out loud "I forgive you" Smile and let them float away. Do this as often as bad thoughts about them creep up.
     These two things are personal meditation and consciousness practices. One more thing you can do to heal is to see a healer, bodyworker, or massage therapist. Depending on the size of your problems, u may want to go weekly or even biweekly. Talk to them and figure out a payment plan. Find someone who can help you. Receiving bodywork can help you get to the root of your problems on a cellular, mental, and spiritual level. Don't ask how, it just does. Do some research and find some kind of bodywork that resonates with you. Anything from Reiki, Lomi Lomi, Ayurveda, Watsu, Shiatsu, . . . . .  many times we cannot see. If you trust in healing and know your Creator wants you to be healed, then you will be. If your mind is holding you back, it will be more of a challenge. And the road to recovery is not usually easy, so be patient with your process.
I am going to list a few things that to me the body tells us through pain and dis-ease.
I am going to be very general. The following list is of symptoms that may pop up for you and what they can mean. You will know what resonates with you if you are willing to look within.

head/brain= too much thinking, not enough breath, filling head with negative, dark, or worrisome thoughts
eyes= need to see from a new perspective, issues of judgement
neck= having trouble getting from one level to the next, feeling "stuck", unable to process life
eyes= need to see from a new perspective, issues of judgement
ears= need to listen better, eavesdropping for gossip
lips= speaking non truth/gossip/cruel malicious words, or not speaking your truth and saying things you must say
throat= communication issues
shoulders= taking on too much responsibilty or others' responsibilities or fears, regrets, hard on yourself, others hard on you, feeling pressure to do something
heart= unbalance of giving and receiving (one may be non-existant or very low, or one is way too much and for the wrong reasons), jealousy, lack of self love
hands= doing too much for others or not enough, giving and receiving issues, issues of healing others or self
Stomach= having trouble "digesting" life. Ex:Not understanding why things have happened to you, or you haven't understood things that are very important and you must pay attention to dealing with your life choices. frustrated at the chaos of life. If it's stomach problems due to nervousness and anxiety, remember to breathe in deep, deep breaths and try to stop the thought process. Stomach could also mean depletion in energy and wanting to give up/feeling drained, or on the other side of the spectrum too much energy/extra energy that isn't getting used
Sexual organs= connection with self and with the earth is not complete, issues with acceptance of self, not knowing who you are. Self care on a physical level. If you are addicted to sex it means you are trying to make up for something in your life that's missing.
Legs= overwork, underwork, needing to take the time to rest or needing to be more active, issues of independence, issues of stability
Glutes= issues from the past
Feet= issues of grounding, showing imbalance somewhere in the body (depending on where in the foot- research Reflexology). Connection with Earth needs to be made or strengthened.
Menstrual problems= too much feminine energy or not enough. (For more information, research feminine energy and yin)

This is a vague description of a very in-depth metaphysical study.  Recommended reading: The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto. This book is a quick read and can change your life~find out how your thoughts can manifest themselves.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


What influences you? Do you surround yourself with people who inspire you to grow and be your best ? With people who are open minded, who nurture you spiritually? ...................................................Or do you willingly surround yourself with friends and family who influence you into negative patterns of thought and behavior? With people who "nit pick" judge, ridicule, or boss you around? Constantly being around people who fall in one of the latter categories can really prevent you from being your true self, and after years on end of being around these influences can put you deep into negative behaviors (addictions, gossip, eating unhealthy) and negative thought processes (never feeling good enough, loss of confidence).. . . .

Of course we can't always choose who we surround ourself with (such as with work and in everyday outings) and it IS good for growth to sometimes to be put out of our comfort zone, however, we have to remember about OURSELVES. We are all put on this Earth to see what we can accomplish! To see how we much we can possibly grow, our capacities for love. To find your higher self. To make your life easier and more enjoyable is to utilize the space you have to make decisions for your highest good.

Im not saying to avoid ALL people who make you want to indulge in bad behavior or are negative, because it is not realistic in this world (and because most likely some people from your work or family do this). You can be strong enough within yourself to not be swayed. But your inner peace is important. Do you even know what inner peace is? So many people in this society are glued to their cell phones, always traveling and rushing to catch a bus/plane on a regular basis, rushing to work, angry with people on a regular basis- not feeling centered, peaceful, and loved by self and spirit.

To feel connected to the Spirit and with Self is love, is divine. Some tools for achieving this include Meditation, Yoga/Exercise, Being in nature, eating healty foods and herbs, listening to uplifting and healing music, prayer/spiritual practice, having supportive friends and family, receiving healing therapies such as massage, energy work, accupuncture and crystal healing. I don't need to list all the things that prevent you from being peaceful, I think you should review your life and daily interactions and see where you can consciously make some healthier decisions for yourself. Be honest with yourself and ask if the music you listen to, the things you put in your body, the friends you hang out with, and how you spend your extra time nurture you in health and spirit and make you happy?

Lets look at some other influences . What does your home or room look like? Do you decorate with objects and images that make you feel peaceful, comfortable, happy? Are your walls painted with your favorite colors? Or are there objects in your house that are unneeded and make you cringe when you see it (such as random material possessions that you have just because, or that have been passed down in your family), is there clutter that makes your brain feel cluttered? Do you have a safe haven where you can meditate and feel peaceful? Maybe incorporating a picture of your favorite scene in nature, clouds in the sunset, a beach, redwood forest, or a snowy mountaintop will remind you to breathe when you sit or walk by it.
I love to surround myself with crystals and gemstones. They are beautiful, natural, and emit healing energy into the surrounding area. When I see them, it reminds me of my Spiritual Path. In my house I  also like to put trinkets around of things that make me smile, and hang pictures of loved ones and pets, pictures of nature, I also have many plants growing, and I have my altar which when I wake up and walk by it, it motivates me and reminds me to meditate and to start my day with prayer.
Be conscious of the influences in your life. Choosing to be around things and people that support your growth is doing yourself a huge favor. When you can make a choice, be wise.
Blessed Be!

Sunday, July 3, 2011


     What a wonderful weekend it has been for me so far. I realized last week that I need some positive energy and healing....but rejuvenation is really what I need. I've been sluggish lately, and just feeling tired, despite my healthy eating and physical activity. Definitely my body's way of telling me to spiritually recenter. Yesterday I went hiking with my husband and friend to Feather Falls (Northern California). What a beautiful, spiritual hike. All in all it's a 9 mile loop and it leads to an enormous waterfall (6th largest in the U.S.) The Riparian ecosystem is so lush, green, and cool, which is just so refreshing for California. It almost seems like it doesn't belong there, like we're somewhere tropical at times. I felt the magickal energy of the other ones and of the plant and tree spirits.
     Its always nice to do a really awesome hike. Its was a total workout, lots of uphill. I felt like I shed some bad energy with all the sweating. Seeing the waterfall was just amazing. Being by a waterfall is so cleansing and healing spiritually- so it was a nice treat.
    The Goddess Temple was peaceful and tranquil. We had the whole place to ourselves and slept in the teepee. The stars were so celestial and prominent, since the moon was not out (Friday was the new moon). So it makes sense that around this time I want to recenter and ground myself. We swam in the relaxing pool, took a mini hike an sat and talked under the pyramid, drank some red wine and got in the hot tub. had amazing conversation and just had a healing time. Today is just another really nice day around here- working on stuff for the business and just cleaing up the hearth and home! Going to take pictures for our website down by the creek. I wish our business to be blessed with Abundance- it's a lot to start a business, but I believe in the vision...its such a healing place here, and everyone who comes up can feel the energy of the land. And to get bodywork up here is just as amazing.
Have a happy, healthy 4th of July.
Blessings and Namaste!
Hanna * }:)i(:{


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice~
it's not just scientifically the longest day of the year and that's's a Spiritual day and good chance to bring powerful things into your life. I celebrated yesterday, but depending on what your calender says it may be today. I guess depending on where in the world you are.  The Celts revered this day as a holiday, and many followers of Nature still do, and with good reason. The Sun gives us our existance here on Earth, plain and simple. Why not be thankful for it and celebrate???
*Summer Solstice is a wonderful time to gain confidence, power, transformation, and energy from the Sun while drawing up grounding from the Earth. Ideally, it should be spent in nature, but that's not always possible, because of life's demands. It is however, smart to take some time out of your day to meditate, take a walk, say a prayer, etc. . . . doing anything to celebrate. The Sun's energy is very powerful, so it is also a magickal time to do anything business related to forward push abundance. Basically, anything you do today (I believe) will be heightened in its power, so send out loving, healing energies!
~All waters are sacred, especially today because of the absorption of the Sun. Take a dip in a natural body of water for healing and cleansing of mind, body, and Spirit.
~A Celtic tradition is to make a charm bag on this day with herbs, flower, and oils, to bring a desired wish to manifestation.
         Abundant Blessings!
       }:)i(:{ Hanna

Monday, June 20, 2011

My first Blog

Hello Everyone,
 this is my first blog. Ive created this to discuss holistic means of healing, since I am a massage therapist and bodyworker, and I believe in the power of touch! I am a huge advocate for taking care of ourselves naturally, and am always trying to evolve and dig in deeper, healing on deep levels.  I perform my healing art by intuition, and I am connected to higher realms of guidance. Everyone i touch receives a prayer and intention for healing. I am always trying to further my knowledge and wisdom. We are all here for a reason, and one of mine is to help others heal (which I think we all have a part to play with this). I wish for peace of mind and healing for every individual :)

I know a lot of people are into metaphysics, natural care, alternative medicine, etc. and I want to give a space where you can feel free to explore some of these concepts without people judging. May this be a safe haven and outlet for those who want to participate in this kind of thing. I love comments and to hear other peoples' ideas and beliefs. Stay tuned for some fun blogs!
Abundant Blessings
}:)i(:{ Hanna <3