Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice~
it's not just scientifically the longest day of the year and that's's a Spiritual day and good chance to bring powerful things into your life. I celebrated yesterday, but depending on what your calender says it may be today. I guess depending on where in the world you are.  The Celts revered this day as a holiday, and many followers of Nature still do, and with good reason. The Sun gives us our existance here on Earth, plain and simple. Why not be thankful for it and celebrate???
*Summer Solstice is a wonderful time to gain confidence, power, transformation, and energy from the Sun while drawing up grounding from the Earth. Ideally, it should be spent in nature, but that's not always possible, because of life's demands. It is however, smart to take some time out of your day to meditate, take a walk, say a prayer, etc. . . . doing anything to celebrate. The Sun's energy is very powerful, so it is also a magickal time to do anything business related to forward push abundance. Basically, anything you do today (I believe) will be heightened in its power, so send out loving, healing energies!
~All waters are sacred, especially today because of the absorption of the Sun. Take a dip in a natural body of water for healing and cleansing of mind, body, and Spirit.
~A Celtic tradition is to make a charm bag on this day with herbs, flower, and oils, to bring a desired wish to manifestation.
         Abundant Blessings!
       }:)i(:{ Hanna

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